I wanted to come up with something that I havent seen on Clemson stuff. Since pro combat didnt do anything special last year, i did some tiger stripes. NBD. I did piping, then up the sleeves I put color, with sublimated tiger stripes. I defiantly made orange more prominent than purple, which seemed to work.

Florida State
I loved the pro combat last year, and kinda went the same route, with a twist on a concept I did. I used the updated arrow and feather a lot. The feather on the sleeve cuffs is resembling the football jersey, with the large feather on the pants like the PC. THe font was the closest I could find to matching last year's PC. On a related note, it is HARD to vectorize Chief Osceola.

This concept is credited to a football concept of the past. I had a U design on the chest like before. It seems fitting because it resembles the logo. The theme to this was using two different colors on opposite sides. And before you ask, the number font is newton.

Georgia Tech
There wasn't really much to go on here. GT's make is Russell Athletic, so I couldn't look back at cool designs. I just kinda threw one up here. I did make the home gold, cause you know, they're the yellow jackets. I made all the logos the same scheme for once too! The fonts are my attempt to match the fonts on the GT logo.

So thats the ACC. I plan on doing the Big East for sure, and maybe do some others such as the big ten.