So far, this is my favorite. The team is one of the teams that got screwed over when the Giants moved west. The team is traditionally navy and white. But I have seen logos with orange. I thought that would be neat, so I changed the old orange to a darker rustier orange, like the Golden Gate Bridge. The primary logo is a circle logo, simple, but I traced a seal logo, and made it modern. If anyone wants to see it up close, I have no problem with looking at that logo again. The SF logo is a modern version of the one they used. The two letters are drawn. Same witht he script. I've never done a script like that. Well, I did do my Dunedin Scots, but I did this one better. I went with orange with navy outline, because lighter with a darker outline looks better. I brought back the pin stripes, and went pretty simple on them.

Blue font with orange outline would have made this 100% better. Orange just looks awful on the grey.