Well, a few months ago, I joined a site called the
Computer Simulated Fantasy Baseball League. You make a team, and you play others teams. I joined, and did really good. Its the Inagrial year of my league, Beta Alpha Alpha Phi, and my team did really good. We finished 2nd place in my division, by 1 game. So I put together logos, and a uniform set. My team name...the DC Nine.

Logo made by Slapshot. So with every logo here, there's a uniform set

Pretty Snazzy. Thats also a paint compatable template I made. Right now, my team beat pour rivals the La Corsse La Crossers 4-3, and is moving on to the next round. The only thing that is bad is, you cant do a season with under 16 owners(you can leave teams). The league has 6. I do have a back up plan. I already made another team. So when the Nine are deleted, the new team will get the name. So thats it for right now. I'm nearly done with a rebrand for the Colorado Rockies. Im just trying to work on a new logo, because I can't curve the letters on paint. So come back for that tonight, or tomorrow. Be the first to send in your original concepts. They'll get posted
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