Recently, a few teams have reveled their new third jerseys. Those teams are the
Sabers, and
Blues. I really like the Sabers one. Well the ones in the links were all pretty good ideas. Some thirds just seemed like a bad idea all around. I'm mostly speaking about the Lightning, and Senators. So I made a third jersey concept for them. First off here's what the Lightning are planning on wearing.
Also completely different. The Lightning will introduce a predominantly dark-blue alternate with the word "BOLTS" angling downward in white on the jersey front. A narrow white stripe is featured above a broad black stripe at the uniform base. Grey and white stripes are on each arm, and the latter half of the sleeve, to the tip, is black.
Me being a Lightning fan makes it even worse. I'd love to see the Lightning wear a blue jersey, but with the
alternate logo. So with that in mind, I made what the third should look like.

Looks pretty good, and I don't think anyone here in Tampa would complain about that. But when it comes to Lightning third jersey, nothing tops the
first one. I have a poster of Vinny Lecavalier with him in that. Speaking of teams planning putting their nickname on their jersey. The Senators with "SENS" across the front.
A dramatic change in the Senators' third jersey will see a predominantly black uniform with the word “SENS” angled upward on the front. A fashionable red stripe will run from the arm pits, down the side of the jersey, to its base, where the stripe turns inward. A pair of narrow red and white stripes will adorn each arm, and the very bottom of the jersey. It's quite a sharp design. Pretty bad.
What if the Canadians put "HABS" across the front. Montreal would riot, and Quebec would break away from Canada. I don't think ANYONE likes the idea for the Senators. So I made a concept for them.

I don't understand why people don't like that logo, it looks really good. Well that's all I have for now. I'm planning on doing a Colts rebrand tonight, or tomorrow. So check in later. PLEASE send in your concepts. They'll be posted. Thanks to Chris at
Icethetics for the descriptions of the jerseys
Great website man, hey do have an account of Chris Creamers sports Because I remembered your name and I think I saw one of your comments. Again, great website check on it everyday!