Well the Alouettes jersey that they wear, is a
piece of crap. So I wanted to make a better looking jersey. So I made the jersey look like most CFl jerseys. I also separated the blue, and red, two dark colours don't look good together. It looks a lot better.

I changed the pants stripe too. Overall, it looks A LOT better. So tell me what you think. Sorry for no RtMLB post recently, I'm all out of ideas. So check in sometime this week, later.
I like the pants they have but you're right that the jerseys are atrocious. The thing I hate most about the Alouettes look ever since they returned has been the stupid cartoony SkyLark and the silver helmets. They look more like "ex-Stallions" than Alouettes. Their retro uniforms from the 70s are a PERFECT example of what a football team uniforms should look like, right down to the iconic triangle Alouettes symbol. Here's a video link of what I'm talking about: