The first one I did, actually. I just kinda wen with what felt good here. I did a winged wheel here, with what looks to be an arrowhead design behind it. Motor City FC going across the top, also 2010 for good measure. I like the jerseys a lot more than the logo. Kind of based the piping off an adidas template, which I've done before. Then ran stripes down the back a la Germany from 32 in 32. Chevy is the sponsor, since, you know, they're black and gold.

Ottawa 1867
One thing across the pond that some soccer teams do, that we don't over here is have a year in their name. 1867 is the equivalent to 1776 here in America. Ottawa has a consistent colour scheme in black and red. Though the in-provence rivalry that'd be set up with Toronto FC, which use red and graphite as a scheme. I had to make it different, so I went the black route. Notice the nod to the Sens' stripes. The logo is a combination of a few things, such as a maple leaf... and a circle... Yeah. Instead of a sponsor, I put the team name on the stripes. THe only thing I really don't like is the black jersey's name across the stripe.

Tampa Bay Rowdies
My team!
Some things. I went back to the original set a few times. I did the original colours, with the original hoop sleeve shoulder designs. Then the original script is used in the logo. The logo, I wanted to make my own, but keep it simple. Green and yellow stripes, broken up by the crest, and script. Also, one star for the NASL Championship. I thought Outback Steakhouse would be a good sponsor, so thats cool. Hoop socks to throw a tie in with the sleeves. And thats really it.

St. Louis Olympic
This one really started out as a silly team name, but it works. FACT St. Louis hosted the 1906 Summer Olympics. St. Louis has French heritage, being a big port back in the day. There is a Fleur-de-leis in the city flag, so that explains my logo a little. It's a fleur with an Olympic flame on top. The words are the ones from the current AC St. Louis set. The colours are also Budweiser colours. I wanted to have some pin stripes in the league,and I used them here. I put them on the front, with piping running around. Comment!

Only 4 more, and no telling when that will get up.