Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lacrosse Concept Challenge

 So I got this email asking for help
Hello Michael,
I'm Jack Goods, I write over at as one of the top box lacrosse writers. We are working on a new project that we will be unveiling soon where we are creating our own fake lacrosse league from scratch, having people vote on the cities and then team names. Then we will have a contest where we have people brand the teams with logos. Its similar to what Icethetics did. i know you have an audience of graphic artists and I was wondering if you could help us get the word out. Its a great opportunity for designers because management from the professional lacrosse franchises read the site and someone's work could catch their eye. Thanks for considering.

If you're interested, go to, and look for the league information. I might send in a few myself, actually. So good luck to my readers!


  1. Hey Guys,

    We don't have the info up on the website yet, that will come later this week. Email me at if you're interested or have any questions.

  2. Is this competition open to hand drawers too? I understand if it's not but I think this project sounds really cool and if not, I will definetly be voting for cities and names
